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Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

This website is adapted from Going Greener Together, used under creative commons licence CC-BY-NC and is run by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations. Find out more

Justice & adaptation

Transitioning to a greener world gives us an opportunity to address social and economic challenges, benefiting people and communities alongside the planet.

There are many organisations and initiatives seeking to ensure that a just transition is addressed alongside the climate emergency and encouraging nature and biodiversity.  Find out more and get involved:

Useful links:

It’s important that you involve people in talking about how the climate emergency will affect them, and how climate action can take their needs into account. Holding events where you can talk to your local community and work together to find solutions for their problems is a good step towards inclusion. 

The Scottish Government is funding a nationwide network of climate action hubs across Scotland in 2023/24 which will help facilitate action and conversation. Two pathfinder hubs are already established in the North East of Scotland and Highlands and Islands

Useful links:

Even if we cut all our emissions (by doing things like generating renewable energy and making homes more energy efficient), there are already changes set in motion that we need to prepare for. 

The Community Climate Adaptation Routemap is a practical guide to help communities to adapt to climate change.

This interactive resource serves as an easy-to-follow guide to cover everything from regenerating nature to greener household actions such as reducing dampness and overheating. It also covers self-sufficiency in local communities, transport options to reduce emissions and how to check that areas have sufficient insurance against climate risks.

Useful links

If you are creating green jobs through hiring staff to work on eco-projects, think about how you can open up your hiring practises to bring people into the green industry who are under-represented or marginalised.  If you run employability or skills projects, include opportunity in green industries or green skills/ training opportunities in your programmes.

Useful links:

We are already seeing evidence of a changing climate in Scotland. Over the last few decades our climate has warmed, rainfall patterns have changed, and sea-levels have risen. The weather extremes we experience are also changing with our hottest days getting hotter and our wettest days getting wetter.

Try starting a conversation with your staff or wider communities about what a climate ready Scotland might look like in the areas where you are working.

The Climate Ready Places visual shows us what adaptation might look like across different landscapes;  uplands, lowlands, coastal, industrial, suburbs and city. The ideas were gathered from a dynamic workshop with people working on adaptation across Scotland and in many different sectors.

Useful links:

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